How much does Vision cost?

For an application


Ideal for your POC

Open source

Up to 9 users


per month and
per user

Accommodation and independent use

Vision for developers

Plateforme Dockerisée

Support communautaire Discord

Ideal for department-wide use

By user

Up to 39 users


per month

Dedicated, customized hosting

from €80/month

Engagement 12 mois minimum

Support inclus

Ideal for company-wide use

Monthly package

From 40 users

On request

Contact us!

Dedicated, customized hosting

from €80/month

Engagement 12 mois minimum

Support inclus

Ideal for your POC

Open source

Up to 9 users


per month and
per user

Accommodation and independent use

Vision for developers

Plateforme Dockerisée

Support communautaire Discord

Ideal for department-wide use

By user

Up to 39 users


per month

Dedicated, customized hosting

from €80/month

Engagement 12 mois minimum

Support inclus

Ideal for company-wide use

Monthly package

From 40 users

On request

Contact us!

Dedicated, customized hosting

from €80/month

Engagement 12 mois minimum

Support inclus

Evaluatemy accommodation

Get started with Vision,

Ideal for familiarizing yourself with Vision

Discovery offer
30 days


2 utilisateurs maximum

30 jours d'activation

Accès aux tutoriels en ligne

Ideal for a 1st experience

Test offer


Hébergement de 3 mois minimum

2 utilisateurs

1 serveur de développement

Découverte personnalisée 1h

Accompagnement, Réalisation, Expertise sur devis

Frequently asked questions

Which formula is best suited to my needs?

Vision adapts to all needs and all usage contexts, from the simplest (1 initial application developed by 1 maker and shared with 1 other user) to the most complex (several applications, several makers, many end users and several development, test and deployment environments).

Our offer is scalable and you can adjust all the parameters of your subscription on your own or with the help of a sales representative:

  • number of application(s)
  • hosting configuration
  • number of users

We also offer additional services billed in hourly packages: Coaching, Implementation & Expertise.

Does the free trial version of Vision give access to all features?

Our 30-day trial version gives access to all Studio features. Advanced functions for application deployment and governance are available in dedicated hosting configurations.

What is Community Edition

The community edition makes the Vision platform available free of charge to anyone wishing to install and use the product.

All Vision Studio functions are available, with no time limit on use.

The community edition is limited to 9 users (designers and end-users). It does not give access to support or hosting functions for applications created with Vision.

Am I completely autonomous in using the platform?

Starting with the 30-day trial offer, you have all the keys to the house! Create your interfaces, data models, workflows and connectors directly in your browser, and make your creations available for full-scale testing with 1 user.

With the test version, a customer success manager welcomes you. You can then train yourself using our free-access tutorial library.

Our service and training offer is there if you need more support. Our network of partners can also help you with your integration projects.

How many applications can I create with Vision?

By default, Vision lets you create 1 application (discovery, test or subscription mode) or several applications (subscription only). All our subscriptions trigger the creation of an account in which you can independently create several applications and manage your application server settings.

How do I choose the right hosting package for my project?

One of Vision's strengths is that it integrates application hosting directly into the Center space. Application design and hosting are carried out in the same place. Depending on the size of your project and the context, you can choose the hosting parameters either independently or with the help of a sales representative:

  • location in France, Europe or outside the EU
  • processor and RAM
  • storage capacity and type (SSD, HDD)
  • backup options
  • other specific options (health data hosting, etc.)

Can several applications be hosted on the same site?

For each application created with Vision, a new hosting instance is created to guarantee performance and offer an optimum level of control for the application manager. Separate development, test and production hosting (instances) can be associated with an application to manage different deployment stages without the risk of service disruption.

How many makers (application developers) can work on an application?

Vision is a collaborative tool, and several people can work simultaneously on the same project. For large teams (more than 5 makers), we encourage you to consult us to ensure that your hosting needs are met.

How are users counted?

By default, a user is a named user with his or her own e-mail address, authenticated in your IS or directly in Vision and with a role defined in the application.

For specific cases of use of service accounts, anonymous users or viewing accounts involving a very large number of users, please consult us.

What happens at the end of the free trial and test formulas?

You can switch your test projects to our subscription offers in the Center. By default, our teams will contact you again at the end of the trial or test period to suggest that you extend your use of Vision. You can export your application project data at any time. If you do not extend your use of Vision, your data will be kept for 2 months before being permanently deleted.

Can the platform's training services be financed by training entitlements?

Algo'Tech is a Qualiopi-certified training organization, which means that all or part of the platform's training courses can be reimbursed.

Is there a notice period for terminating the service?

If it is not transformed into a test offer (hosting subscription required) or a subscription, the 30-day test offer stops automatically.

The test offer requires the creation of a hosting space and a minimum commitment of 3 months. After this period, it may be discontinued at any time without notice.

In the case of an annual subscription, your subscription must be cancelled at least one month before the renewal date. In the absence of suspension at the beneficiary's request, the subscription is automatically renewed for 12 months.

Our services

Onboarding, Customer Success, Achievements

Formation Studio par jour, suivant le programme, ou à la carte

Accompagnement et Expertise par pack de 10h, 20h ...50h

Réalisation complète de projets par pack de 10h, 20h ...50h

Get started with Vision,

Ideal for familiarizing yourself with Vision

Discovery offer
30 days


2 utilisateurs maximum

30 jours d'activation

Accès aux tutoriels en ligne

Ideal for a 1st experience

Test offer

Pay only for hosting

Hébergement de 3 mois minimum

Onboarding personnalisé 1h

Service formation sur devis

Service d'expertise sur devis

Evaluate my accommodation

Frequently asked questions

Which formula is best suited to my needs?

Vision adapts to all needs and all usage contexts, from the simplest (1 initial application developed by 1 maker and shared with 1 other user) to the most complex (several applications, several makers, many end users and several development, test and deployment environments).

Our offer is scalable and you can adjust all the parameters of your subscription on your own or with the help of a sales representative:

  • number of application(s)
  • hosting configuration
  • number of users

We also offer additional services such as training, support and project management, invoiced by the day or in multi-day packages.

Does the free trial version of Vision give access to all features?

Our 30-day trial version gives access to all creation functions (Studio). Advanced functions for application deployment and governance are available in dedicated hosting configurations (Center).

Am I completely autonomous in using the platform?

Starting with the 30-day trial offer, you have all the keys to the house! Create your interfaces, data models, workflows and connectors directly in your browser, and make your creations available for full-scale testing with 1 user.

With the test version, a customer success manager welcomes you. You can then train yourself using our free-access tutorial library.

Our service and training offer is there if you need more support. Our network of partners can also help you with your integration projects.

How many applications can I create with Vision?

By default, Vision lets you create 1 application (discovery and test offer). All our subscriptions trigger the creation of a Center account in which you can independently create several applications and manage the parameters of your application servers.

How do I choose the right hosting package for my project?

One of Vision's strengths is that it integrates application hosting directly into the Center space. Application design and hosting are carried out in the same place. Depending on the size of your project and the context, you can choose the hosting parameters either independently or with the help of a sales representative:

  • location in or outside Europe
  • Hosting power (processor and empty memory)
  • hosting capacity (SSD disks only)
  • backup options
  • other specific options (health data hosting, etc.)

Can several applications be hosted on the same site (dedicated vs. shared hosting)?

For each application created with Vision, a new hosting instance is created to guarantee performance and offer an optimum level of control for the application manager. It is even possible to associate separate development, test and production hosting (instances) with an application, to manage different deployment stages without the risk of service disruption.

How many makers (application developers) can work on an application?

Vision is a collaborative tool, and several people can work simultaneously on the same project. For large teams (more than 5 makers), we encourage you to consult us to ensure that your hosting needs are met.

How are users counted?


end users

administrator users

anonymous users

What happens at the end of the free trial and test formulas?

You can even switch your test projects to our subscription offers in the Center. By default, our teams will contact you again at the end of the trial or test period to suggest that you extend your use of Vision. You can export your application project data at any time. If you do not extend your use of Vision, your data will be kept for 2 months before being permanently deleted.

Are platform-based training services funded by training entitlements?

Absolutely, we are Qualiopi certified, and all or part of our platform training courses can be paid for.

Is there a notice period for terminating the service?

If it is not transformed into a test offer (hosting subscription required) or a subscription, the 30-day test offer stops automatically. The test offer requires the creation of a hosting space and a minimum commitment of 3 months. After that, it can be stopped at any time without notice. In the case of an annual subscription, your subscription must be cancelled at least one month before the renewal date. In the absence of suspension at the beneficiary's request, the subscription is automatically renewed for 12 months.