Vision Community: the
open-source visual programming platform

Install Vision Community on your servers. Take advantage of all the power of no-code to manage your business application projects from A to Z.

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SaaS vs. Open Source in detail

  • SaaS
  • Open Source
SaaSOpen Source
Database creator
Desktop, tablet and smartphone UI composer
Workflow editor
No-code process editor
API Maker
Connecting no-code API routes
Report generatorlimited
Authentication delegation
development, testing and production
SupportCommunity forum
Number of usersunlimitedup to 9
Commercial use
Limited commercial use for integrators up to €10,000. Subscription to a SaaS formula beyond that.

100% drag’n’drop

All the steps involved in creating your applications, even the most technical, are drag-and-drop.

Collaborative working

Work with several people at the same time, commenting, testing and fine-tuning your applications.

Create, test, adjust

Model your data and processes with complete freedom. Test application behavior directly in the editor, and correct it immediately.


Connect to infinity

Connect your applications to and from all data sources.

01. Designer

Create your mobile or desktop interfaces, from the simplest to the most complex

Bibliothèque de widgets paramétrables pour tous vos besoins

Arborescence latérale de navigation rapide

Liaison de vos widgets à vos sources de données et à vos workflows

Travail en marque blanche (publication de liens profonds)

builder d'interface applicationz no code

Would you like to test the power of Vision for 30 days?

Avec Vision, j’ai découvert qu’on pouvait rendre simples et concrètes des idées complexes et dynamiser toute notre informatique.
Marie, cheffe d’entreprise dans une PME innovante
J’ai pu livrer une application stratégique 3 mois en avance, dépassant même nos espérances, ce qui a valu des félicitations de mon client.
Assim, développeur Lead Tech - Full-Stack dans une ESN
Avec Vision, je simplifie des processus répétitifs et complexes à gérer, tout en automatisant le déploiement de nouvelles applications IT.
Enrico, architecte SI dans une grande entreprise publique
La technologie Vision m’a permis de concrétiser un projet de transformation innovant et le faire accepter à l’échelle du groupe.
Mathilde, responsable de la maintenance dans une grande entreprise privée

100% drag’n’drop

All the steps involved in creating your applications, even the most technical, are drag-and-drop.

Collaborative working

Work with several people at the same time, commenting, testing and fine-tuning your applications.

Create, test, adjust

Model your data and processes with complete freedom. Test application behavior directly in the editor, and correct it immediately.


Connect to infinity

Connect your applications to and from all data sources.

All discovery tutorials

Discover the essential features of Vision in video