Terms and conditions of use

Site editing

The https://www.algotech.vision website is published by:
ALGO’TECH SAS, 45 allée Théodore Monod, 64210 BIDART
Publishing Director: Jean-Michel PETOLAT
Telephone: 05 59 01 59 60
Email: contact@algotech.fr

Site hosting

The https://https://algotech.vision website is hosted by : OVH
2 rue Kellerman, Roubaix (59100) – Customer service: 10 07

Welcome to the Vision website

Vision is a software product designed, developed and marketed by ALGO’TECH.
The VISION solution offers a NO-CODE software development platform in SaaS (Software As A Service) mode via the Internet, aimed at software development professionals and any company wishing to develop business-oriented applications on its own.

Access to the Site by Visitors is subject to the present General Conditions of Use.
ALGO’TECH invites all Visitors to read them carefully. If the Visitor does not agree with the terms of the Conditions, he/she is strongly advised not to use the Site.
If you continue to browse the Site, you acknowledge that you have read and accepted all of the present Conditions and our Personal Data Protection Policy.


The following definitions in the singular also apply to the plural, and vice versa, depending on the context.
“General Terms and Conditions” or “Terms and Conditions” refer to the present terms and conditions of use applicable to all Visitors to the Site.
“Content” refers to textual, graphic and audiovisual elements that may be protected under French intellectual property law.
“Data” means any information, whether personal or not, directly or indirectly linked to a Visitor.
“ALGO’TECH” refers to the ALGO’TECH company.
“Site” refers to the ALGO’TECH Internet site, whose main address is https://algotech.vision and all associated sites linked to the https://algotech.vision site by ALGO’TECH and its affiliated partners/distributors throughout the world, in particular sites with a Blog-type editorial section. The Site includes all computer components (in particular software and computer developments and Web pages, including source and object code programs, domain names, preparatory design work, specifications and preliminary studies, user documentation, database), graphic charter (including projects, models, prototypes and plans), content (in particular textual, graphic, sound, photographic and multimedia elements) and functionalities, as well as all related rights.
“Visitor” means any Internet user browsing the Site without creating an associated account or following a sharing link, to the exclusion of any software agent.

Article 1. Access to the site

The Site can be accessed at the following address: www.alogotech.vision

Item 2. System requirements

The Site operates under Mac and Windows.
In order to take full advantage of the use of the Site, the Visitor is advised to keep his operating system (OS) up to date and to use an up-to-date version of his Internet browser. For optimal use of the Site, the Visitor is advised to use the Chrome or Edge browsers.
Failure to comply with these recommendations may result in the Visitor accessing only a degraded version of the Site, for which ALGO’TECH cannot be held responsible.

Article 3: Intellectual property

3.1. Propriété du Site

ALGO’TECH is and remains the exclusive owner of the intellectual property rights to the Site, its content and all of its components.
With the exception of the rights granted in the present “Intellectual Property” article, these Conditions do not transfer any intellectual property rights to the Visitor.
All system licenses, databases, programming interface, storage, backup and security hardware and products related to the Site are the property of ALGO’TECH.

3.2. Accès standard au Site

Unless otherwise expressly agreed by ALGO’TECH, ALGO’TECH grants the Visitor only a personal, non-exclusive, non-assignable and non-transferable right to access the Site, for the entire duration of its use and for the entire world.
This right implies an authorization given to the Visitor to temporarily copy certain elements composing the Site for the needs of the technical process of “caching” them with a view to accelerating navigation and avoiding the complete reloading of the Site at each new visit.
Unless otherwise expressly agreed by ALGO’TECH, the Visitor is strictly prohibited from any other use, in particular but not limited to any adaptation, modification, translation, arrangement, distribution or decompilation.
Consequently, unless otherwise stipulated or authorized in writing by ALGO’TECH, the Visitor is under no circumstances authorized to :

  • reproduce all or part of the Content in any form whatsoever;
  • represent in any form whatsoever all or part of the Content except by means of an integral representation of the Site with the greatest respect for its technical and informational integrity;
  • make the Content accessible to a new audience by any means, and in particular by creating deep Internet links or using the “inframe” technique;
  • sell, rent, license, distribute, sublicense or otherwise transfer all or part of the Site to a third party;
  • decompile, disassemble, recompile or otherwise attempt to gain access to the source code of the Site, in whole or in part;
  • create, develop, license, install, use or deploy third-party software or services to circumvent, activate, modify or provide access, authorization or rights that violate the Site’s technical restrictions;
  • translate, modify or create derivative works based on the Site;
  • remove any product identification, proprietary notices, copyright notices or other notices contained on the Site.

All Site Visitors also undertake not to :

  • extract, for commercial or non-commercial purposes, all or part of the Content ;
  • use a robot, in particular a spider, a search or retrieval application or any other means to retrieve or index all or part of the content of the Site and its Content, unless expressly authorized in advance by ALGO’TECH;

3.3. Signes distinctifs

The trademarks and distinctive signs of ALGO’TECH, as well as the trademarks and distinctive signs of ALGO’TECH’s partners, are registered trademarks. Any total or partial reproduction of these trademarks and/or distinctive signs without the prior written authorization of ALGO’TECH is prohibited.

3.4. Propriété des Données

ALGO’TECH is not the owner of any Data belonging to the Visitor.
In any event, ALGO’TECH disclaims all liability for the content of the Visitor’s Data that the Visitor may create on the Site, in particular via the contact form accessible at the following address: www.algotech.vision/contact, with respect to any prejudice or infringement of third party rights, and in particular any act of counterfeiting, defamation, insult and, more generally, any act constituting an offence or crime punishable by French legislation in force, which may be noted in said contact form.
The Visitor undertakes to indemnify, defend and protect ALGO’TECH and its subcontractors, at its own expense, from and against any and all claims, losses, damages (including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs), allegations or consequential liabilities:

  • any harm to persons or property of third parties as a result of the Data ;
  • any violation of French or international law resulting from the Data;
  • the illegal, immoral, infringing or defamatory nature, or alleged illegal, immoral, infringing or defamatory nature, of the Data.

However, ALGO’TECH reserves the right to process Visitor Data in an aggregated and anonymized manner in order to refine and improve its services.

3.5. Autorisations particulières

The Visitor is exceptionally authorized to reproduce a minor part of the Editorial Content for the purposes of sharing it, in particular on social networks.
This right is granted on a non-exclusive basis for the world and the duration of intellectual property protection recognized by French law for the work concerned. This right is also granted on the express condition that the Visitor cites the source of this content and creates a hypertext link to the original URL address.

Article 4. Personal data

The Visitor is invited to consult ALGO’TECH’s Personal Data Protection Policy, which forms an integral part of these Conditions.

Article 5. Liability of Algo’Tech

5.1. A l’égard des Données et autres contenus publiés sur le Site

With the exception of the infrastructure of the Site as such, ALGO’TECH is not responsible for the Data and other content not actually created by ALGO’TECH and accessible on the Site.
In its capacity as host of said Data and other content not actually created by ALGO’TECH, ALGO’TECH is subject to the regime set forth in articles 6.I.2 et seq. of the law nº2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for Confidence in the Digital Economy. ALGO’TECH may, in this context, delete Data and other content not actually created by ALGO’TECH that is manifestly illicit and that is notified to ALGO’TECH.

5.2. Limite de responsabilité d’Algo’Tech

ALGO’TECH does not provide Visitors with any material, telephone installation, terminal equipment, consumables or other items. Regardless of the connection method chosen, connection fees are the responsibility of the Visitor, as well as any amount, fee, registration, tax or other charge that may be requested by the providers of access to the telecommunications networks connecting Visitors to the Site.
ALGO’TECH makes every effort to ensure the availability of the Site. However, Visitors are informed that the Site is not subject to any obligation of availability, accessibility or performance. In this respect, the Visitor may not, under any circumstances, take advantage of any defect in the Site that would prevent its use or degrade the user experience.
Notwithstanding the above limitations, the Site is online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
ALGO’TECH cannot be held responsible for direct or indirect damages, losses or expenses resulting from the use of the Site, or the impossibility of using it, or from malfunction, interruption due to maintenance, technical failure of the server hosting the Site or due to an interruption in Internet access or for any other cause, a virus, or a line or system problem.
ALGO’TECH reserves the right to modify or interrupt, temporarily or permanently, access to the Site, in particular for reasons of maintenance, updates or improvements, or to change its content and/or presentation, without prior notice or compensation of any kind.

Article 6. Force majeure

ALGO’TECH excludes all liability in any capacity or on any legal basis whatsoever for foreseeable or unforeseeable indirect damage such as loss of earnings, commercial or financial loss, consequence of recourse by third parties or loss of operation, profit, contract, loss of image, immobilization of personnel or equipment originating from or resulting from the use of the Site, as well as damage caused to persons or property distinct from the object of the present Conditions.

Article 7: Dispute resolution

For professionals within the meaning of the introductory article of the French Consumer Code;
The present Conditions are governed by French law even if one of the parties is of foreign nationality and/or the contract is performed in whole or in part abroad.
In the event of any discrepancy in the interpretation of a translated version, the French version shall prevail.
Any dispute or litigation arising from the validity, interpretation and/or performance of the present contract, which the Parties are unable to resolve amicably, will be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the materially competent Court of Bayonne, even in the event of multiple defendants, summary proceedings or warranty claims.

Article 8: Hypertext links

8.1. Liens à partir du Site

The Site may contain hypertext links to sites operated by third parties. These links are provided for information purposes only.
ALGO’TECH has no control over these sites and declines all responsibility for access, content or use of these sites, as well as for any damage that may result from consulting the information on these sites.
The decision to activate these links is the sole responsibility of the User.

8.2. Liens vers le Site

No hypertext link may be created to the Site without the prior and express consent of ALGO’TECH.
If an Internet user or a legal entity wishes to create a hypertext link to the Site from its site, whatever the medium, it must first contact the Site by sending an email to the following address: contact@algotech.fr.
Any silence on the part of ALGO’TECH shall be interpreted as a refusal.